Wednesday, September 29, 2010

I love sharing...

I love blogging and sharing check out some of my Blogs.

in reference to: Shorten & Share | | a simple URL shortener (view on Google Sidewiki)

Friday, April 23, 2010

Jay really opened my eyes and ears...


Like I said, Jay really opened my eyes and ears... check out some of what he has said to  me...
Not so long ago, I was in the same spot you might be in right now.
I was in the same spot you might be in right now.
I was looking for a way to make money from home...but I didn't know where to start.
I didn't have any experience...
I didn't know anyone who could “show me the ropes"...and I didn't have a bunch of people I knew who were lined up outside my door, credit cards in hand, begging to join my opportunity or buy products from me.
I had to start from “Square One"
I guess, like many of us do...
Stumbling my way through this CRAZY Home-Business jungle. The only thing I knew about this industry...was that I could get rich - really rich - if I could find the right opportunity...the right products...and most importantly, A PROVEN SYSTEM that could help me connect to a ton of people who were already looking for a legitimate opportunity that I represented - then, most importantly, train them how to be successful too!
The Biggest Problem In The Home-Based Business Industry BUT 
No One Ever Told Me, & Stands In The Way of Success For Most People...
When I first got started, there were a couple of facts that nobody ever bothered to tell me. I had to discover them on my own.
FACT #1: At any given time, there are 40 MILLION people looking to make money at home.
FACT #2: The average person probably knows less than 5 of these 40,000,000 people.
I remember the day I did my research...and realized that there were literally millions of people looking for a way to make money from home. I got so excited I hardly slept a wink that night. I lay awake in bed, thinking about how much money I was going to make with a “starving crowd" of 40 MILLION PEOPLE who wanted what I had.
Then...depression sunk in when I realized that very few of those people were my neighbors! They were out there...but I didn't know even ONE of them!
That's the day when I realized that I needed a system to connect me with even just a few of these 40,000,000 people. If I was ever going to make money from home, I needed a foolproof, simple system to connect me with just a few of these 40,000,000 people who were already standing with their credit card in hand, begging for someone to show them a legitimate way to earn money from home!
That's When I Realized I Needed A System...
I knew that the Internet was the “connector" between me and this massive market of 40 MILLION other people looking for a good solid business opportunity.
I had this sneaking suspicion that the Internet could connect me with all the prospects I could ever want.
I looked around...for someone to teach me...figuring that someone else had also “connected the dots" like I did...and had already built a system that would do everything I needed it to do. The only problem was that...
I couldn't find anything, or anyone!
Either the system was pretty good, but didn't offer legitimate products people really wanted (so, it was a money game that would never last). Or, had ok products, but no system to market them with to the masses without having to become a salesperson.
Just when I thought it would be impossible to find such a great system that not only was simple, but proven to work and offered amazing products that people are dying to find and pay money for.
That's Why I developed This System For YOU Called:ReallySimpleHomeBusiness!
It's an All-In-One Online System that would help me find prospects...
Sort out the “tire-kickers, time-wasters and broke people"...
Explain the system and sell opportunity to the ones who were serious and could afford to get started...
...then train them how to do the same thing...
and motivate & support them to keep going until they were successful!
In reality, what I wanted...was the equivalent of a staff that would do 95% of the “grunt work" for me...and, at the end of the day, give me the ability to have that 'walk away' income that everyone talks about...but can never actually have because they are continually needed to train their downlines to give them a good start.
So, enough about how this method of building a business has evolved, and how it will make things extremely simple for you to have success with, let's shift more to answering the biggest question you probably have right now...
"But What Would I Have To Do?!?"
Remember that the website you are on right now, the report you are reading, the autoresponder email letters you will be getting from me over the next few weeks, and our full support are all parts of this proven system you are now learning about. 
It's all set up and ready for you to use, and you can get started for free by simply filling out the form on the next page.
Ok, let's get you some details...
Your Plan Of Action Consists of Activities So Simple...
An 8-Year Old Child Could Do It With Ease.

Copy my proven ads and paste them in the places I will show you.

Let my pre-written autoresponder series do the follow up for you.

Get paid when the new prospects join your business.

Simple, huh?
It is.
I wish I could make this whole thing more complicated...that way I could show you how smart I am. But I can't. That's EXACTLY What I did to quit my crummy 9-5 job...and that's all I do now to keep my income growing month after month.
If You Just Repeat This Simple 3 Step Action Plan - The Way I Show You - It's Possible For You To Make $1,000's A Month or Even $10,000's A Month Like Some Of Our Team Members Do Part-Time! 
Most People Don't Know 100+ People (Or Anyone for that matter) 
Who Are Looking For Extra Income...
So, Most People Fail. Remember, when I first got involved in my first home-based business...I knew that there were millions of people looking for what I had.
None of them happened to be in my address book - that's all...
So I had to learn where to find them, and I had to find the right mentor to show me the way...Since I didn't want to let a million-dollar opportunity slip through my hands, I just kept looking...losing 10's of $1000's along the way - I hope you found me before that has happened to you, because your search is over.
With This System You Will Be Able To Leverage Your Time 
& Build Yourself An Unstoppable Income
Step 1: Fill out the form on the next page to learn more about this system and get your free website set up immediately.
Step 2: Simply follow our step by step - paint by the numbers marketing plan, and generate prospects through the system.
(if you can copy and paste, you can do it - and even if you can't we will teach you)
Step 3: The system will contact all of these prospects to see how many of them are serious, and upgrade them...then we train all your members to do the same!
That's how simple it is. 
You won't be wasting time talking with broke people looking for a free ride...or tire-kickers. You'll let the system do most of the “grunt work" for you... and you'll only spend your time helping the people who are serious about building a home business!
What Do I Get With ReallySimpleHomeBusiness?

A Fully Loaded ReallySimpleHomeBussiness.comTM Website

That's right!  You'll get your very own website just like this one that you are on right now coded with your own personal username. Set up for FREE

You'll get access to all the tools you need to earn a substantial income sharing™ with others - including pre-written solo ads, classified ads, banner ads, JV letters and a whole lot more!

It's all pre-written, tested, proven and ready for you to profit!
Just plug-in and start making money...
Proven Pre-Written Autoresponder Messages

Believe it or not, this is still something that is not used to it's full potential in the industry... this little 'secret' is like having an automated sales robot going to work for you 24/7!
When you have the right mix of content and call to action you can't help but get results, and these messages have proven themselves time and time again - like clockwork!
You don't have to think of what to say, or waste time testing to see what works, it's all done for you, just turn it on!
Access to Over 500 Hours  of Recorded Training & Live Training Calls
Want to know what the difference is between an amateur and a professional?
A pro makes money...and an amateur doesn't!
If you decide to join our team and use this system...  I'm guessing that you'll want to move into the "pro" category as quickly as possible, right?
The details of this program are too complicated to go into here...but I will tell you that it is the closest thing you'll probably find to a "shortcut to success" in this industry.
It's designed to get you up to speed quickly...and start earning checks as fast as possible.
We Have Documented Proof Of Over 1000% Higher 
Success Rates Using This Training!

(that's not a typo - one THOUSAND percent) 

Completely Personalized Capture Page With Your Own Video!
I know this won't be for everybody, but if you want to start getting into branding yourself and making sure your prospects know who they are talking to when you get them on the phone - this is THE way to do it!
People Will Actually Say:
"I Can't Believe I'm Actually Talking To That Guy/Gal From That Site!
(yeah, it's pretty cool - and they usually join)
Free Access To My Proven Marketing Methods
This is where you can actually walk in my footsteps, these are the EXACT things I do on a daily/weekly/monthly basis - have you ever wondered: "What Exactly Should I Do With My Time?" Well, here you go.

To Your Online Success,
Jackie O'Connell - Reinfort